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Waking Ashland - Take Me With You - text písně

Texty písní » Waking Ashland - Take Me With You

Waking Ashland - stát se fanouškem

Take Me With You
It's so dark now that I can hardly tell
If my eyes are closed or open.
Yeah I've got no way of knowing
It's so quiet now, I can't sleep at all tonight.
And all I can hear are my lungs breathing
and the sound of my heart beating.

Take me with you
I can't seem to
get these thought out of my mind
every time I close my eyes
Now I'm feeling like a blind man seeing
that the problem's in my head and not my eyes

Your example now is not much of a help
But it doesn't matter much to me, I'm thinking for myself
I'm drinking now from a different well
And I'm drawing from the deepest, so I don't go to hell

Take me with you
I can't seem to
get these thought out of my mind
every time I close my eyes
Now I'm feeling like a blind man seeing
that the problem's in my head and not my eyes

Přidal: Ondra dne 09. 05. 2007 v 18:35.
Počet zobrazení: 152 (1).

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