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Frank Zappa - Would You Go All The Way? - text písně

Texty písní » Frank Zappa - Would You Go All The Way?

Frank Zappa - stát se fanouškem

Remember Freddie and Joe
The night she went to the show.
a monster movie.

Clutchin at your hand.
wait ten seconds
Clutchin at your arm.
wait ten seconds
Clutchin at your elbow.
wait ten seconds
Where did your brassiere go?

The monster came out
Everybody shout.
People all around you
Screaming at the monster
The monster from the USO.

Who is this dude with his hair straight back
His new white socks, And his pants all black, His tee shirt rolled,
His watch is gold,
A '55 Chevy that his brother just sold.

With his arm around your waist
And his hand is in your pants
And he asks you for a date
To the servicemans dance.

Suppose you don't wanna.
What can you do?
With a joker like that
Got his hands on you?
Oh baby
T-t-t-tell me, baby

Would you go all the way,
for the USO?
Would you go all the way,
for the USA?
Would you go all the way,
for the USO?

Lift up your dress if the answer is no!

Would you go all the way,
for the USA?
Would you go all the way,
for the USA?
Would you go all the way,
for the USA?
Would you go all the way?
Would you go all the way?
Would you go all the way,
for the USA?
Would you go all the way,
for the USA?
Would you go all the way,
for the USA?

Would you go all the way?
Would you go all the way?
Would you go all the way?
Would you go all the way?

Přidal: Ondra dne 06. 02. 2006 v 21:24.
Počet zobrazení: 167 (1).

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