Texty písní » Another Way - Empty Rooms
Another Way - stát se fanouškem
In empty rooms how can
I feel, lost behing
my wants
In empty rooms
just you and me
how cliché it sounds
In empty rooms I want to
learn how, how
to care about you
In empty rooms
I want to believe
and you want too
Ref.: I am, I am trying to find,
what happeneds to us
and you, you´re trying to steal,
everything we´ve got
and we are too curst to admit, that
we fall
to the ground
In empty rooms
what I can find
pieces of emptyness...
Pieces og you
that I don´t want to find
you´re with me less and less...
In empty rooms
nothing but me
slowly disappearing
Smoke in my eyes
ash in my hands
that´s me after you
Přidal: Lili98 dne 02. 01. 2009 v 15:20.
Počet zobrazení: 205 (1).
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